About Us

Our Story

We would like to share our story of goodness from grass to glass with you.

Our Anchor Brand comes from New Zealand, a source of pure goodness.



Today, thanks to over 134 years of good ‘old dairy know-how, modern innovation and ingenuity, the goodness of Anchor is available in over 160 products and 80 countries.

Our products are made with the goodness of dairy, whether it’s milk, yoghurt or cheese. Nature’s way of helping you start strong and go strong daily.

We believe that goodness feeds greatness.

This is why we strive to champion human potential, drop by drop, glass by glass, day by day.

Because achieving greatness isn’t something that happens overnight, it’s something you work towards with strength and self-belief, every single day.

As you can see, we are passionate about dairy and what it can do for life.

Happy girl drinking Anchor milk