• Powders

Chia milky pudding with homemade strawberry compote and pistachio dust

  • Powders
Chia milky pudding with homemade strawberry compote and pistachio dust
35 min
Chia milky pudding with homemade strawberry compote and pistachio dust

For the chia pudding:
For the strawberry compote:
  1. Combine all the chia pudding ingredients in a pint jar. Cover the jar with a lid and give it a vigorous shake.
  2. Chill for about an hour and shake it up. Letting the mixture chill for at least 4 hours or overnight is even better.
  3. For the strawberry compote: Wash, hull and quarter the strawberries.
  4. Add all ingredients to a medium sauce pan.
  5. Cook over medium heat for 5 - 10 minutes stirring frequently until some of the berries disintegrate and some remain whole but soft, and the sauce thickens slightly.
  6. Remove from heat and allow to cool, the sauce will thicken more as it cools down.
  7. Make layers in dessert glass or clear jar with strawberry compote then chia pudding then top with strawberry compote and garnish with fresh mint or nuts of your choice.