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5 Reasons why you should have a healthy breakfast

Breakfast is often considered the most important meal of the day, but sometimes it’s hard to fit a healthy breakfast into a rushed morning.

Nutrition & health

10 Des 2021

1 min read

Anchor Cheddar Block Cheese

BARU! Keju Blok Cheddar Anchor terbuat dari susu berkualitas tinggi dari New Zealand, berasal dari sapi yang memakan rumput alami sepanjang tahun sehingga tinggi kalsium dan mengandung Vitamin A serta menghasilkan rasa keju yang milky untuk kue, makanan, dan camilan sehari-hari Anda.


Anchor Cheddar Slice Cheese

Keju muda yang terbuat dari 100% susu sapi New Zealand yang telah dimatangkan selama 3-6 bulan dengan rasa cheddar yang ringan dan lembut. Dikemas dalam kemasan individual yang praktis serta higienis sehingga merupakan pilihan tepat untuk digunakan dalam hidangan sehari-hari seperti salad, sandwich, atau sebagai camilan.


Anchor Cheese Pinwheel



Cheese & Culinary


Anchor Cinnamon Scrolls

These Cinammon scrolls are simply delicious nd they’re made using two of our hero ingredients: Anchor Milk and Anchor Butter. These baked treats are absolutely divine and something you need to try this making at home.


Fresh Milk

Cheese & Culinary



Anchor Cooking Cream

Cooking Cream yang terbuat dari susu New Zealand berkualitas tinggi dan dapat digunakan untuk berbagai aplikasi masakan hangat karena stabil saat dipanaskan kembali. Tidak mudah pecah saat apabila dicampur dengan bahan lain yang bersifat asam. Anchor Cooking Cream dengan 35% milk fat dapat meningkatkan cita rasa masakan Anda serta membuat hidangan lebih lembut dan creamy.


Anchor Family Spread

From the green pastures of New Zealand comes Anchor Butter, made of only the freshest cream from our pasture fed cows.


Anchor Feijoa & Apple Overnight Oats

This is such a simple and delicious breakfast. It takes just a little prep the night before, with the oats soaking overnight in our Anchor Milk until softened. Then in the morning just top them with our Anchor Protein + Yoghurt, sprinkle over some toasted nuts and you have the perfect start to your day.


Fresh Milk




Anchor Feijoa & Apple Overnight Oats

This is such a simple and delicious breakfast. It takes just a little prep the night before, with the oats soaking overnight in our Anchor Milk until softened. Then in the morning just top them with our Anchor Protein + Yoghurt, sprinkle over some toasted nuts and you have the perfect start to your day.


Fresh Milk




Anchor Instant Whole Milk FAQs

Opened packs of Anchor Instant Whole Milk Powder are best stored in airtight containers in the fridge and used within 2 to 3 weeks.

FAQs & product facts

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