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KickStart Breakfast Programme

 Since 2009, KickStart Breakfast has provided nutritious breakfasts to schools across Aotearoa with the goodness of Anchor™ Milk and Weet-Bix™. Together Fonterra, Sanitarium and Ministry of Social Development have served over 70 million breakfasts to Kiwi kids. ​

A recent independent evaluation of the KickStart Breakfast programme provided insightsinto the programme’s impact on key stakeholders – tamariki and rangatahi, their whanau (families) and wider communities. 
The KickStart Breakfast programme is designed to positively impact child well-being through providing access to nutritious food at school. It's helping give tamariki and rangatahi (children and young people) a boost to both their school day and their future.  
KickStart Breakfast is the only national breakfast programme of its kind and has been delivering Anchor milk and Sanitarium Weet-Bix to New Zealand schools for 15 years and is now serving over 42,000 tamariki and rangatahi every school day. 

Click here to find out more: Home - Kickstart Breakfast

A recent independent evaluation of the KickStart Breakfast programme provided insights into the programme’s impact on key stakeholders – tamariki and rangatahi, their whanau (families) and wider communities.